Let the trend for fresh floral accessories go straight to your head with these beautiful bridal ideas...
No longer the realm of barefoot bohemian weddings, many modern brides are swapping glitz for naturally pretty floral hair accessories.
“Wearing blooms in your hair used to be flowergirl territory,” explains florist Annie Jones from Pollen Nation. “Now they‟re increasingly popular with brides and older bridesmaids.” The look stems from the mainstream trend for floral headdresses, as seen at all of last year‟s festivals, which are available to buy on the high street, she adds. And their popularity has led to an increased demand for fresh floral hair accessories in the bridal world.
“Choose from floral headbands, single corsages and individual wired flowers,” says florist Emma Lynch of Love Lily. And while fashion-forward brides are embracing the „big is beautiful‟ mantra with statement floral crowns, pared back styles also have their place with delicate combs and clips.
All floral arrangements need the correct care to look their most beautiful on the big day, and flower crowns can face extra pressure.
All floral arrangements need the correct care to look their most beautiful on the big day, and flower crowns can face extra pressure.
Not only will your headdress be on display all day, it‟s also going to be petted and adjusted, and there‟s the addition of body heat to consider: “We make all our accessories an hour before the hair stylist needs it in order to maximise their longevity,” explains Jane Gray and Libby Pearson from Myrtle & Mint. “Small spray roses, eustoma, nigella, delphinium heads and clematis are all great to wear as they‟re light and long-lasting.”
Conditioning flowers beforehand, as well as using hardy varieties, can help prevent wilting. The best blooms are durable types which hold their shape well out of water, such as waxflower, gypsophila and daises, suggests Annie. “Many of the hedgerow flowers which give a more delicate look will wilt
quickly out of water.”
But don‟t fret if you have your heart set on a specific bloom: “There are certainly some which are more difficult to work with, but your florist will do all they can to prolong the life of the stem,” explains Emma.
Fresh accessories need to be made on the day then stored in a cool, dry place until the last minute,
so it can be difficult to get your hairstyle right beforehand.“Experiment by trying on artificial flowers first to see if you like the effect with your dress,” suggests florist Gaye Drummond. Practising with faux flowers is also a good idea if you don‟t want to shell out for an identical crown to be made for your trial hair session.
Fresh accessories need to be made on the day then stored in a cool, dry place until the last minute,
so it can be difficult to get your hairstyle right beforehand.“Experiment by trying on artificial flowers first to see if you like the effect with your dress,” suggests florist Gaye Drummond. Practising with faux flowers is also a good idea if you don‟t want to shell out for an identical crown to be made for your trial hair session.
Young members of the bridal party are guaranteed to look sweet with a halo of fresh flowers, but take steps to ensure they live up to their angelic looks on the day.
“Flowergirls can be unpredictable,” admits Emma, “and ultimately on the day, if they don‟t want to wear it, they won‟t!”
Hardy blooms in compact and robust designs are ideal for tearaways:“Spray roses and buds would be best, as well as the almost-invincible gypsophila.”
You could skip hair circlets altogether, suggests Gaye, “there are lots of alternatives for young ones; try a headband, basket or wand instead.” Whatever you have your heart set on, the key is to sit down and explore the opportunities with your florist.
“Do your research and make sure you‟re happy with the finished style. It‟ll be worth it because when they‟re right, they look amazing,” says Emma. And, she adds, once it‟s on your head there‟s no getting away from it, so it has to be perfect!
Floral accessories would be nice to go with styled long hair, out.