The proposal

“It  was  all  very  emotional  actually,  sadly  my  mother  was  very  ill,  and  we  just  found  out she  had  a week left to live,” explains Catherine. “Poor Ollie had been hiding the ring for weeks, but each time he‟d gone to ask me, it just hadn‟t worked out. Amazingly, though, he did it just in time. My dad took a  message  to  the  hospital  where  my  mum  was  staying,  by  writing  on  a  piece of  paper  „Today  Ollie Asked Catherine To Marry Him‟ – her reaction was „wow‟, with a great big beaming smile on her face. We had one more amazing week with her, and then she left us. I know she was definitely with us in spirit  on our  wedding  day.  I  like  to  think she  was  also  in  charge  of all  the  dramatic  weather  on our day, too.”

The bride’s outfit
“I decided I wanted to design my own dress, and so I found a wonderful lady called Mary Treacy in London who was like a mother to me while we worked on the dress together,” remembers Catherine. “I  found  this  one  of  the  hardest  things  about  the  whole  planning  of  the  wedding,  because  I wouldhave  given  anything  to  just  have  my  mother‟s  thoughts  on  my  dress.  But  Mary  was incredible  andtogether we made the most beautiful flowing dress that was light, delicate and dream-like,” she adds The groom’s outfit Ollie wore a genuine vintage tail coat, along with „puppy tooth‟ trousers from Hackett. His  gorgeous wife also designed him some personalised cufflinks (she‟s a jewellery designer) to wear with his great grandfather‟s waistcoat

The bridesmaids
Catherine‟s  wedding  helpers included  little  flowergirls and  pageboys,  along  with  the  couple‟s  lurcher Fox-In-Socks!

The ceremony
Was  a  classic  church  ceremony  that  included  two  readings  and  three  hymns.  Two  of  the couple‟s friends also sang  Will You Go Lassie Go –  a Scottish folk song that originated not far from where the bride grew up

The reception
Catherine  and  Ollie  hired  lots  of  different  shaped  tents  from  Space  Intents  to  create  their festival atmosphere. Crafty bride Catherine and a team of helpers made a stunning „indoor‟ blossom tree to fill their marquee. “We got so good at making pom poms by the end!” laughs Catherine. “They were attached  by  wire  onto  branches  we‟d  collected  from a  fallen  tree,  to  create  the  effect  of a  beautiful pink blossom tree,” she adds

The honeymoon
“Ollie  kept  it  a  secret  from  me!”  says  Catherine  –  and  we  love  this  idea!  “Originally  he told  me  we were going to the Shetland Islands, but it wasn‟t until we were going to leave he said you might want to re-pack – we‟re going to Rio de Janeiro!”


One Response so far.

  1. XO Bali says:

    Always feel happy every time reading about beautiful Wedding story, isn’t?

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