Here’s a gorgeously intimate boudoir photography gift idea from you to your new husband.
Imagine your H2B’s face, when, on the morning of the wedding he unwraps a gift you’ve left for him that is discretely marked, ‘For Your Eyes Only.’

Inside  the  layers  of  black  tissue  paper  and legant  packaging,  he  finds  nestled  a  photo  album containing the most stunning, jaw dropping photographs of his new bride, how no-one else will ever see her.

He’ll  feel  like  the  luckiest  man  alive,  and  he’ll  have  the  ultimate  proof  that  you  are  every  bit  as beautiful, sexy and stunning as he’s always told you you are.

Sound exciting?
Before you rush in and sign up for your very personal boudoir photo shoot, here  are a few questions to ask yourself:

How can you be sure that you’ll look that beautiful?
Ok, don’t tell anyone we told you this, but the girls at For Your Eyes Only Portraits have a few secrets up their sleeves that guarantee a flawless finish, whatever your size or body shape.
For  years  these  expert  photographers  have  perfected  lighting  techniques  and  body  sculpting poses that elongate legs, lift  bottoms, flatten tummies and slim thighs. From Plus size to Petite, the girls at FYEO  have  seen  it  all  and  there’s  nothing  they  love  more  than  proving  you  wrong about  your imperfections.

Who would be in my shoot?
This is really important. To feel completely comfortable and to make sure that your H2B doesn’t see red when he hears about your photographer, you need to guarantee that you will be one -to-one with a  female  photographer  in  a  closed  studio.  The  studio  should  be  darkly  lit,  and  you  should feel comfortable, relaxed and have fun. You’ll soon be friends and be giggling together as you follow her very detailed instructions to get the absolute best out of your body.

What sort of pictures would he like?
Do your research, take a look at the For Your Eyes Only website  and view the galleries for ideas and
inspiration.  Have  a  look  at  some  of  the  customer  feedback  at  the  same  time  so  you’ll  get  real reactions from people who have recently been in.

What would I take?
The chances are you may have bought some new lingerie in the run up to your wedding, whether it’s something  special  for  the  honeymoon  or  some  elegant  corsetry  hiding  under  that  d ress.  You may have  made  a  little  extra  effort  with  your  beauty  regime  to  so  now’s  the  time  to  enjoy it.  These photographs will give you a lasting memory of how you are now and show your groom a more private side  to  your  new-found  glow.  You  could  also  accessories  your  shoot  with  heels, jewellery,  veil  and tiara.  This  type  of  photography  is  very  personal  so  bring  anything  that  makes  you  feel  gorgeous,  or that you know he really loves you in.

Could I find out more from a photographer?
If  you  want  to  know  if  this  really  is  right  for  you,  ask  for  a  telephone  consultation  with  a photographer.  This  is  absolutely  free  and  will  give  you  all  the  information  you’ll  need  to plan  your perfect personal wedding gift.


One Response so far.

  1. XO Bali says:

    This can be a good idea for you Wedding photography. What do you have in mind, ladies?

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