Your  wedding  ceremony  makes  a  statement  about  your  love and  commitment  and  the  reasons  you  and  your  fiancé  have chosen  each  other  as  life  partners.  It’s  the  most  public  and symbolic  personal  moment  you  may  ever  have,  and  thus  it’s very important to get it right.  
There’s absolutely no reason to conform  to  ideas  about  the  way  a  wedding  ceremony  should be  if  that’s  just  not  you.  Be  as  creative  and  flexible  as  you wish, and your wedding ceremony will be original and moving. Best  of  all  it  will  be  memorable,  because  it  was  as  unique  as you are.

The first step to arranging your wedding ceremony is deciding where  to  hold  it.  Would  you  like  a  traditional  church  wedding ceremony,  can  your  reception  venue  double  as  your  wedding
ceremomy  venue,  or  would  you  like  something  casual  in  a garden or at the beach?
The second step to planning the wedding ceremony is choosing the Officiant who you would like to marry you. You can be married by a minister, a rabbi, a mayor, judge, ship’s captain or a celebrant. Decide on this  and  the  rest  will  follow.You  can  choose  a  Minister  of  Religion
  even  if  you  don’t  go  to  church  on  a regular basis. There are many churches that are available even if you are not a member of that particular denomination. The Ministers of these Churches see this as a service to  the community. Read more about church wedding ceremonies
Some  clergy  are  willing  to  accept  changes  to  the  wedding service.  If  you  wish  to  write  your  own  vows,  include  other people or incorporate other cultural practices in the ceremony, discuss  it  with  your  minister  and  check  out  their  reaction.
  If you’re  interested  in  writing  your  own  vows  then  be  sure  to read through Writing Your  Vows in 3 Easy Steps. Over 60 per cent  of  Australian  weddings  are  now  civil  ceremonies,  and most  are  performed  by  celebrants.  The  reason  for  this  is  the huge amount of flexibility a civil ceremony allows. For more on civil  ceremonies,  read  through  our  guide  to  Civil  Ceremonies.Choosing  the  right  Celebrant  can  be  time  consuming.  The best-case scenario is to have one recommended by a friend or relative,  so  ask  around  before  you  shop  around.  If  you’re starting  from  scratch,  start  by  calling  or  emailing  a  couple  of celebrants  who  appeal  to  you.  Give  them  the  date,  time  and  venue  for  your  ceremony  to  check  their availability.  Meet  with  the  ones  who  you  liked  from  first  impressions.  The  Celebrant  will  make  it  clear  if they do not offer an obligation-free chat.

The third part to planning a  wedding ceremony  is the decorations. Most couples use flowers to create a romantic  atmosphere,  but  wedding  ceremonies  are  getting  more  creative.  Think  about  using  lighting, fabric, candles and signs to give your wedding ceremony venue a boost.


One Response so far.

  1. XO Bali says:

    This is the biggest and important part of the whole Wedding. Prepare it well.

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