You  are  probably  at  the  stage where the wedding plans are finally taking  shape  and  you  are  really looking  forward  to  the  Big  Day  – until  you  remember  the  wedding speeches! You ask yourself…

Who says what?

Who speaks when?

What if we want to be different?

How do I control my nerves?

And a thousand other questions….

Relax!  Wedding  speeches  are  one of  the  easiest  speeches  you  will ever  have  to  deliver  if  you know what  to  do.  The  tips,  articles  and blogs below will advise you on who speaks,  in  what  order,  as  well as how  to  write  and  deliver  a  great speech.

If  you’re  feeling  nervous  about  just the  thought  of  delivering  a  speech then  be  sure  to  read  Tips  On Overcoming  Nerves  plus  some helpful  Do’s  and  Don’ts.  You’ll  find ideas  for  different  speeches  plus wedding  jokes  that  you  can use  as a starting point.

There  is  a  traditional  order  for  speeches  at  a  wedding  –  but  it  is  important  to  remember  that  it  is  your
wedding so the format is really up to you. It is useful to consider  the traditional format so that you can decide which elements you wish to include and which you would like to vary.

In the same way you don’t have to stick to the rules when it comes to who speaks. A lot depends on who is good  at  making  speeches.  As  long  as  the  people  who  count  are  thanked,  and  someone  wishes the happy couple well, speeches are simply a tool for livening up the party atmosphere and making sure the room is filled with joy and laughter.

If  you’re  the  speechmaker  you  should  start  one  or  two  months  before  the  wedding  –  and  definitely not leave  it  until  the  night  before  or  the  morning  of  the  wedding.  You  should  first  check  what things you should include in the speech - that will give you a good starting point. If you’re not sure on the content of wedding  speeches  then  check  out  our  article  on  The  Content  of  Wedding  Speeches.  There  are also articles  dedicated  to  the  content  of  the  best  man’s  speech,  the  groom’s  speech,  the  bride’s  speech and the father of the bride’s speech.

Spend a little time on preparation and you really will be able to give the wedding speech that your friends
and family will rave about for years!

Image: Xsight Photography & Video


One Response so far.

  1. XO Bali says:

    Believe us, you do not need any of your Bridal parties / families, to forward their speech for hours, if they
    would talk about your buried past life stories. This could create positive atmosphere, but then it can also give
    a negative impact, towards you especially and others too. Be aware and talk things through with the people,
    who will deliver their speech, before the reception.

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