Wedding  etiquette  refers  to  those  expectations  and conventional norms surrounding a wedding.  Weddings  are one  of  the  few  social  events  still  tied  closely with traditional  rules  of  etiquette.  Although  weddings  have embraced  individual  expression  and creativity  the  same wedding etiquette prevails.

From  the  guest  list,  invitations  and  seating  arrangements to  the  ceremony  and  dress  code,  a wedding can  be  a minefield of do’s and don’ts. The formality of the occasion means  that  traditional  rules  of etiquette  come  into  play and most couples will be unfamiliar with the code.

For most couples creating their guest list presents the first etiquette  challenge,  followed  closely  by  the invitations. Who  are  you  expected  to  invite?  Who  should  the invitations be addressed to? How should you describe the dress  code?  Follow  our  guide  to  Invitation  Etiquette  to avoid a social faux pas in print!

Wedding traditions and wedding customs vary, but there are a few basic rules you can follow and indeed
most  couples  do  follow.  However  it’s  not  uncommon  for  couples  to  completely  disregard  wedding
traditions and wedding customs. For example it is traditional for a father to walk the bride down the aisle,
but our modern family life sees both parents, mums, brothers or grandparents walking a bride down the
aisle. Brush up on your knowledge of wedding traditions and wedding customs  –  remember you can pick
and choose what you want to follow!


One Response so far.

  1. XO Bali says:

    Whether you wish to follow through / disregard any Wedding traditions / customs, it’s your choice.

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